CTO Fraction

How to launch an app with zero meetings? This image shows a close up of a glass office door, looking into a conference room. on the door there is a sign that says "No meetings allowed!"

How We Launched an App With Zero Meetings

Meeting-less Software Product Development

Going through the process of designing, building, and launching an app with zero meetings is an accomplishment, given how many companies cannot operate without numerous meetings these days. As a Fractional CTO, I recently partnered with three startup founders to successfully design, build, and launch a mobile app MVP for them. The entire process took just under 2 months. However, during that time we were able to run a Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) process without having a single live meeting with the 4 of us. We were located in 3 separate time zones (EST, MST and PT) and were a fully remote team.

So how did we do this and what was our approach? Read on and find out.


Tools We Used

We used only 4 tools to help us run through the entire process. Here was our choice and how we utilized each:



Trello was the main project management system. An important point is – we used it to capture work of any type and not just engineering work. Here is the breakdown:

  • Feature Work – All of the product feature work was captured and monitored here
  • Decisions – All decisions that we made together were also documented in Trello. This included a variety of decision
  • Testing – Any test work that was performed, such as testing the app on a real iPhone and Android for the very first time
  • Optimizations – All optimizations that were applied on top of the originally agreed upon product features
  • Bugs – All bugs captured during testing.
  • Infrastructure Work – Anything related to infrastructure setup, including account setup with App / Play stores.
  • Launch Efforts – The initial launch efforts to each of the stores, which were a process of their own.

Additionally, we heavily used the commenting functionality in Trello for discussion, regarding specific work items (more on that in the sections below).


We used Discord for asynchronous communication, and there was no need for emails. We had only one group channel where the 4 of us collaborated. It allowed us to have full visibility and traceability of conversations. Everyone could follow and catch up, even if they were out for a few days.

Google Docs

We used Google documents as a repository for all types of documentation:

  • Product information
  • General documentation
  • Agreements we made
  • AI prompts used in the app
  • GTM Strategy
  • Branding information and assets
  • Research documentation



Although not very often, Loom came to the rescue when a more complex topic had to be explained. On several occasions I recorded Loom videos to explain certain concepts in order to educate the founders, before all of us moved forward with a decision. This proved to be a very valuable and efficient approach for us.


Our Process

There are two key points to the success of our process:

1) It was defined, communicated, and well understood by everyone from the very beginning.

2) It was simple.

Here is how we did it:


Well Defined Scope

Before we ever signed an official agreement, we took the time to define the scope of the MVP. While the details of every feature were not described, we were very clear on what the features were and what they entailed. Everything was captured in a Google doc and later translated to Trello cards.

Having enough clarity but not too much detail allowed us to strike a good balance between having a clear plan and goals, while having flexibility on defining the details. This approach gave us focus and ability to explore and innovate.

Frequent Shipping

The founders had access to a test environment where new functionality was shipped almost daily, and sometimes multiple times a day. This gave them the opportunity to stay very close to the product as it was being developed in real time. They were able to see and test the latest developments on almost a daily basis.

Stakeholder Acceptance

Our agreement was that I would move Trello cards to the ‘Review’ column and the founders, as product stakeholders, would review and accept/reject every change. They were the only ones that would move cards from ‘Review’ to ‘Done’.

There were some minor exceptions, when there was no way for the stakeholders to validate a back-end/infrastructure change I had made. In this case, I moved the cards to ‘Done’ myself and took screenshots which I attached to the card.

Decisions Making

Along the way we had to make several decisions, regarding design, strategy, functionality, design, etc. each decision had its own Trello card as well. This allowed us to:

  • Keep track of decisions and their progress
  • Have discussions on pros/cons, and options, inside the Trello card
  • Align quickly
  • Have a record of what we had decided, if we ever wondered in the future

Trello Comments

This part was a very critical component of our process – using the comments functionality inside Trello. What many teams do is – discuss various work items, from their project management system, in Slack, email, etc. When this happens, the conversation is pulled away from the actual work item (feature, story, etc.). This creates disjointed information and more overhead as people have to go back and forth between project management and chat/email.

In our case, we made a decision at the beginning that any conversations related to a particular Trello card will take place inside that card and not outside of it. Additionally, we regularly used the ‘@’ mention capability of commenting, to get each other’s attention.


We had a single group channel in Discord where non-Trello items and general topics were discussed. A simple practice that served us well was, starting a new topic with a bolded header such as:

– – – TOPIC NAME – – –

This added to the visual organization of messages and discussions.

Is your team struggling with a broken process and too many meetings? Hire a Fractional CTO.

Reach out for a free consultation and find out what can be improved in your software development lifecycle process.

9 Lessons on How to Have Fewer Meetings

Here are some of our lessons learned and takeaways, that can be applied to various team effort setting if you want to have fewer meetings:


1) Full Visibility

Make everything visible to everyone all the time:

  • Work – Make all of your work visible to everyone from a single project management system. That system must be the single source of truth and it has to be maintained to be up to date all the time.
  • Communication – Make all communication visible, including chats and comments in documents and work items.
  • Progress – Show product development progress regularly. Not with screenshots and videos (although sometimes there is no other way). Rather, regularly deploy to a test environment and let the stakeholders experience what you have built, first hand.
  • Decisions – Capture decisions, their rationale, and make them visible for all involved to freely reference in the future. 


2) Simple and Frequent Communication

Communicate frequently and use as few tools as possible. Make use of video recordings for more complex topics, instead of typing pages of text. Explain things in a way that anyone would understand. Be transparent every step of the way—explain the why, what, and how.


3) Simplicity

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Strive for simplicity in everything: process, tools, communication, etc. The fewer, the better. The simpler, the better.


4) Active Participation and Engagement

The entire team must be engaged and actively participating the entire time. This will lead to alignment, easier communication, and better decision-making.


5) Alignment 

Make sure everyone involved has clear understanding of:

  • The process we follow and how it works
  • Who owns what role and task
  • Decisions we have made and direction we are moving towards
  • The product vision and MVP goals


6) Open Collaboration

Have a culture where everyone is open to ideas, exploration, and looking for the best outcome on any decision. Maintain continual collaboration, transparency, trust, and mutual respect across the team.


7) Information Organization

Organize all information clearly and simply. Make sure that:

  • Everyone knows what is stored where
  • There is a single source of truth – no information duplication
  • Well organized and things are easy to find


8) Quick Decision Making

Don’t get stuck in paralysis by analysis. Gather the necessary information (do your homework), present options, make recommendations, involve the right people, discuss and move forward with a decision promptly.

Document all major decisions ( decision records ). We used Trello for that and it worked very well for us.


9) Defined but Flexible Scope

Define a clear high-level scope, but allow enough flexibility to explore ideas and shape the functionality and design. Upfront make the major decisions as to what you are doing and what you are not doing. Don’t spend too much time at the beginning to make all the small design decisions. Let the process allow for some exploration and creativity along the way

Have a vision on the big picture goals all the time, and make sure that all the small details point to it.


The Final Result

We were able to collaborate and launch the app to both App and Google Play stores. Between signing our work agreement and officially launching the app on the App Store it was 54 days. We did it with zero live meetings.